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The welfairy needs you…

The Welfare Roadshow will be coming to your site, very soon. For free stuff, entertainment and craic
make sure you are on your site on the day the roadshow visits you! The fairies will tell you more, keep
your eyes peeled for them floating around in thier tutus!

Welfare roadshow for Dummies:

Post Secret NoticeBoard:

Write your secret on a postcard or a piece of paper or even a photo, and put it into the ballot box.
Every hour or two we will put the secrets up onto the notice board! In the true spirit of PostSecret, the
submissions will be totally anonomous.

Random Acts of Kindness:

DITSU will have random acts of kindness being carried out all over the sites and we encourage you to do
the same! Even if it’s just leaving a newspaper on a bus for someone else to read- don’t forget to Stick
the DITSU ‘Random Act Of Kindness’ sticker on it before you leave it to spread the message. The fairies
will be committing random acts of kindness on each site leaving DITSU Random Acts Of Kindness stickers
in their wake so you know where they’ve been randomly acting kind!


There will be flashmobs in your site on the day the Roadshow hits you… You’ll know when it’s going
down cause the fairies won’t be far away… Oh I’ve already said too much! You’ll have to wait and see!

I’ll be seeing you on your site, very soon!

Grá Mór
