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March 7th, 2012

Can you believe it guys?  We are nearly half way through semester.  How is the studying going?  Who are you connecting with these days to chat about college?

The Student Services in DIT provide a FREE service to all full time students and we really encourage you all to get informed. Call down to your local SU office for referral to the Health Centre, Counselling Service or the Chaplaincy.  Are you looking for more specific advice, we can put you in touch with the Careers service, the Mature Student Officer and a range of other supports.  Despite some cutbacks that the Institute are making to core services, the Student Service providers across DIT are working hard to be available and remain effective for you, so be sure to use them.  Services like the Counselling service, and Career Guidance can cost quite a bit outside of college, so use it whilst you can.

Not sure where to start, contact your local Student Support Advisor in the Students’ Union office. See www.ditsu.ie for more information and contact details.

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