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“I Talked”…………. Talking is a sign of Strength!!

Here in the Please Talk blog section, we hand over to you; hear from students, who, like many of us, have first hand experience of going through a hard time, reaching out for help and starting their conversation about mental health. If you wish to become a contributor, contact [email protected]

When you’re feeling down, chances are the last thing you want to do is get up and do something. You might just want to stay in bed, go to sleep or stay at home on your own. While all of these things are very tempting and easy to do, they will hardly ever make you feel better but, in fact, can make you feel worse.

Next time you’re feeling down, give one of these things a try. It isn’t easy to pick yourself up when you’re feeling low, but it’s always worth it.

1. Go for a walk – We all know that exercise is great for our mood, so put your runners on and go for a walk. It could be for 10 minutes or 2 hours, but getting up and going outside can really help to clear your mind and lift your spirits.

2. Bake – Following a recipe, combining ingredients and seeing something you’ve made come together is so rewarding. Plus, it gives you something nice to eat with a cup of tea.

3. Get colouring – Colouring books for relaxation and mindfulness have become quite popular over the past few months, and for good reason. Focusing on colours and shapes is great for the mind and can help to take you outside the sadness you’re feeling.

4. Have a shower – It’s pretty simple, but when do you ever get out of a shower and not feel great? Have a shower, wash your hair and get dressed. Doing that is half of the battle.

5. Read a book – Another great one for escaping, get absorbed into a good book. Leave whatever you’re feeling behind you and get sucked into someone else’s world for a few hours.

6. Make lists – Writing down what you’ve achieved, what your goals are and what you want to achieve is a brilliant way for finding motivation and inspiration. Even better, use one notebook for all of your goals so you can stay on track.

7. Have a chat – A problem halved is a problem solved, and that’s no lie. Although it’s not always easy, opening up to someone you trust is one of the best ways to make you feel better when you’re feeling low. It’s such a relief to get how you’re feeling off your chest and to hear someone else’s perspective and advice. If you find talking to someone in person daunting, maybe send them a text. Communicating with someone in any way about how you’re feeling is so important and can really help to improve your mood.

There are endless things you can do to help when you’re feeling down, it’s just about finding what suits you and what works for you.

 If you need support please checkout the following links;



Or you can call the following;

Samaritans on 116 123
Niteline 1800 793 793