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“I Talked”…………. Talking is a sign of Strength!!

Here in the Please Talk blog section, we hand over to you; hear from students, who, like many of us, have first hand experience of going through a hard time, reaching out for help and starting their conversation about mental health. If you wish to become a contributor, contact [email protected]

Are you aware of the supports available on campus?

While college is mainly about academic studies, it also caters for your holistic development as a person. Colleges offer a range of social supports and services which can help you as you progress through your course. These social supports include;

  • Student Union Services
  • Student Counselling
  • Student Health Service
  • Chaplaincy
  • Career Development
  • Access Centre
  • Disability Services

Below is a short introduction on each service available.

Student Union Services

SU Welfare Officer is there for you. They are a source of listening, information and referral. If you have any issues that are causing you stress you can go to them and they will do their best to help in whatever way possible. The Union represents students on many Institute Committees such as the Governing Body, Academic Council and its various sub-committees.

The Welfare Officer is available in the Students’ Union to give information, advice and referral on various matters, finances, benefits, personal counselling, legal advice, or even just for a chat! There is an open door policy so pop into the offices when you get a chance and get to know the team.

The Education officer is available in the Students’ Union to deal with matters such as course changes, problems students may be experiencing with grants or exams, and also provide training for all members of the Class Rep Council.

Student Counselling

Provide skilled listeners who have experience dealing with all the challenges students encounter. Checkout your college service and how to access the services for your college at pleasetalk.org

Student Health Service

The Student Health Service provides on-campus medical (GP) and psychiatric care to registered students in a professional, courteous, and confidential manner.


The Chaplaincy service offers pastoral care, spiritual guidance and advisory and social services to the students and staff on campus.

Career Development

The Career Development Centre helps you to manage your own career plans by providing a wide range of support services a guidance application advice, placement preparation, workshops, employer events and facilitate successful transitions to work and further study opportunities.

Access Centre

The Access Centre provides educational opportunities and professional services to prospective and current mature students, students with disabilities and access students.

Disability Services

Disability Support Service which is committed to empowering students with disabilities achieve their academic and vocational goals in an inclusive learning environment.  They support students with a wide range of disabilities including physical, mental health and learning.

 To find out more details on each service available on your campus, checkout Pleasetalk.org where you can find both on campus and off campus supports available.

 If you need support please checkout the following links;



Or you can call the following;

Samaritans on 116 123
Niteline 1800 793 793