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“I Talked”…………. Talking is a sign of Strength!!

Here in the Please Talk blog section, we hand over to you; hear from students, who, like many of us, have first hand experience of going through a hard time, reaching out for help and starting their conversation about mental health. If you wish to become a contributor, contact [email protected]

An outgoing personality, enthusiastic, open minded with a strong focus on what has to be done. In general, positive, open and comfortable in most situations. I have many interests (some would suggest to many) they range from scuba diving, hiking, swimming, fishing, sailing, kayaking, and photography. Other interests include my dogs, chess, and music. I have always been an outdoors person with a keen interest in sports and general fitness. I enjoy walking my dogs and exploring new places to hike. I have scuba-dived all over Ireland and throughout the world.

A number of years ago I became very much focused on work, to the exclusion of everything else. The position at the time required me to deal with a complex network of associations, organisations, committees and people. The job itself was not the problem as I was well qualified, experienced and capable of achieving any task set. However, as I had no balance in my life I became difficult to be around, irritable, a perfectionist and unsociable.

One morning I woke up unable to breath, completely confused and frightened and had no idea what was going on. I had never experienced anything like this previously, it felt like my head was a racing track with hundreds of cars speeding all different directions and my chest felt like it would explode. I told myself to cop on and readied myself for work. However, had to stop the car on the way as I was breathless and unable to drive. Some close friends suggested that what I experienced was a panic attack. I was not prepared to admit or accept this at that time and put myself through months of agony as I did nothing about it.

When the situation progressed and was getting out of control I knew I had to do something. I spoke to some friends, received some great advice and got some counselling. The difference it made to me was enormous. I remain focused and possibly work too hard. However, I take time to be with friends, enjoy my hobbies, rest and exercise. In addition, I try not to take myself too seriously and accept when I get a little down that it will pass and that I have to sit with the discomfort or take action to deal with whatever is making me feel uncomfortable. This is not always easy, but it is always successful and worthwhile.

In summary, whatever you are doing enjoy it, troubles will pass, take action to deal with what is going on for you and the time to do the things that give you satisfaction.  

If you need support please checkout the following links;



Or you can call the following;

Samaritans on 116 123
Niteline 1800 793 793