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“I Talked”…………. Talking is a sign of Strength!!

Here in the Please Talk blog section, we hand over to you; hear from students, who, like many of us, have first hand experience of going through a hard time, reaching out for help and starting their conversation about mental health. If you wish to become a contributor, contact [email protected]

Hi my name is Kiera, I am an ordinary, outgoing girl. I laugh uncontrollably, I have a great sense of humour, I like meeting up with my friends and talking about boys, I have an amazing family, amazing friends and a job I love. I’m doing Social Care in college. I have my own car and a horse. I am very happy with my life but it wasn’t always like that.

Up until 4 years ago I knew nothing about, mental illness, until I realised it was actually under my own roof. I feel it’s relevant to me and my family especially as I just told them, that I too was nearly a victim of suicide, but I’ve come out a lot stronger the other side thankfully.

I felt there was no light that everybody else was moving forward with their lives around me but I was stuck in the mud and my life was falling apart. I lost friends, felt stupid, ugly, and pathetic, but it was the illness talking. I cancelled plans and had no motivation for anything. It’s hard to type this out and keep a strong face, but I was luck enough that when I felt like leaving I talked to someone who, to put it bluntly, stopped me.

It’s a scary place to be in. Trust me I know, but if you can take anything from my story it’s this, IT DOES GET BETTER, everybody has their bad days, just reach for someone and talk to them because it helps a lot more than you may think.

The person I talked to was the biggest messer I knew, but he saved my life and I think that speaks for itself, that even the simplest conversation can be a milestone. Right now I’m the happiest girl going. I’m exactly where I want to be and I know exactly where I want to go. So if you’re feeling the slightest bit down talk to someone please.

No-one will think any less of you, and if you know someone that’s going through something be there for them. There’s always help out there if you look for it. Don’t be ashamed about getting down. It happens to 1 in 4 people so chances are someone you know has gone through the same thing. Try and keep positive because everyone has a destination to where they have to be even though some of our roads are bumpier than others you will get there.

Keep hoping, keep dreaming and keep smiling cause you will get there and be able to say you made it. Since I came through my mental illness I am a much stronger happier person than I was before.

 If you need support please checkout the following links;



Or you can call the following;

Samaritans on 116 123
Niteline 1800 793 793