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Talk to your family, a friend or someone you trust. It’s not right for everyone or every situation, but sometimes friends and families can be a really good source of support.

You may not want to tell everyone what you are going through. However, perhaps there is someone you are close to who can help support you.

They might have been through stuff in the past and have good advice on how to get through it now.

If you don’t want to speak to your family or your friends, there are other people you can talk to these include:

  • Doctor or nurse in your health centre on campus,
  • Class rep or a lecturer you feel you can approach,
  • Student’s Uion
  • Student Counselling Sservice
  • Chaplaincy Service
  • Disability or Access Services
  • Student Information Service

If you need to talk to someone right now:

Free call Samaritans on 116 123 or call Pieta House on 1800 247 247

Helping you Find Support

Some of your friends and family might have spoken to someone such as a ​counsellor, ​so they might be able to help you find someone to talk to and explain what it’s like. That said, everyone’s different and the person who helped your friend might not be right person for you.

If you talk to someone and it doesn’t feel right, try another one until you find someone you’re comfortable talking with.

Remember Talking is a Strength, not a weakness!